Conclusion, Wrap Up, Sponsor, and Showcase Highlights


(00:01) [Music] thank you everybody for we completed phase one great job jahan uh and everybody for uh for your attention and participation we had amazing amazing uh speakers and sessions um and we’re only one third 33 through so there’s a lot more to come um basically i know we’re all really uh really um overwhelmed with knowledge and ideas but i think it’s perfect time for networking right right jen so so we’ll be going we’ll be going to networking mode air to air meet has the round table sessions we’re

(00:49) going to like leave it open but just so you don’t forget um if you check the schedule the same air meet link so don’t you know you can bookmark the link or or um go back to the websites and rejoin later we’re going to be starting again in about uh six hours so i know for us it won’t be so friendly us time unless you’re a real night owl but um we’re going to go to the drew rosner’s talk he’s based in in portugal so he’ll be sharing live with us about the future of domains which is obviously a lot of people are

(01:25) really excited about that we’re gonna have more showcases with a lot of our our developers in the community and you can check out we’re gonna have a handshake for a good charity discussion about building schools with handshake um co-founders of shakestats will share about data insights we have india south asia panel slds and domain tokenization on flair which is really uh highly anticipated and then more networking so that’s all coming up in about six six hours so hopefully uh it’s convenient time for everybody these are

(02:01) recorded so it’ll be a little bit of delay there’s got to be some editing and some posting and uploading but it’ll be available if you can’t make it you know you don’t gotta kill yourselves stay up all night but you’re welcome to um and uh i hope to see you all at 5 p.m hong kong time in about six six hours but don’t go away i’ll be hanging out in a networking room others here make some deals make some uh follow-ups of people you heard hopefully some speakers are sticking around

(02:29) um and uh and take get some rest so thanks again thanks everybody see you [Music] you